
  • Csc Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler
    Search: C#(Csharp) C#(Csharp) 2021. 6. 23. 21:56


    Microsoft (R) Visual C# 2008 Compiler version 3.5.30729.5420
    for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version 3.5
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
                            Visual C# 2008 Compiler Options
                            - OUTPUT FILES -
    /out:<file>                    Specify output file name (default: base name of file with main class or first file)
    /target:exe                    Build a console executable (default) (Short form: /t:exe)
    /target:winexe                 Build a Windows executable (Short form: /t:winexe)
    /target:library                Build a library (Short form: /t:library)
    /target:module                 Build a module that can be added to another assembly (Short form: /t:module)
    /delaysign[+|-]                Delay-sign the assembly using only the public portion of the strong name key
    /doc:<file>                    XML Documentation file to generate
    /keyfile:<file>                Specify a strong name key file
    /keycontainer:<string>         Specify a strong name key container
    /platform:<string>             Limit which platforms this code can run on: x86, Itanium, x64, or anycpu. The default is anycpu.
                            - INPUT FILES -
    /recurse:<wildcard>            Include all files in the current directory and subdirectories according to the wildcard specifications
    /reference:<alias>=<file>      Reference metadata from the specified assembly file using the given alias (Short form: /r)
    /reference:<file list>         Reference metadata from the specified assembly files (Short form: /r)
    /addmodule:<file list>         Link the specified modules into this assembly
                            - RESOURCES -
    /win32res:<file>               Specify a Win32 resource file (.res)
    /win32icon:<file>              Use this icon for the output
    /win32manifest:<file>          Specify a Win32 manifest file (.xml)
    /nowin32manifest               Do not include the default Win32 manifest
    /resource:<resinfo>            Embed the specified resource (Short form: /res)
    /linkresource:<resinfo>        Link the specified resource to this assembly (Short form: /linkres)
                                   Where the resinfo format is <file>[,<string name>[,public|private]]
                            - CODE GENERATION -
    /debug[+|-]                    Emit debugging information
    /debug:{full|pdbonly}          Specify debugging type ('full' is default, and enables attaching a debugger to a running program)
    /optimize[+|-]                 Enable optimizations (Short form: /o)
                            - ERRORS AND WARNINGS -
    /warnaserror[+|-]              Report all warnings as errors
    /warnaserror[+|-]:<warn list>  Report specific warnings as errors
    /warn:<n>                      Set warning level (0-4) (Short form: /w)
    /nowarn:<warn list>            Disable specific warning messages
                            - LANGUAGE -
    /checked[+|-]                  Generate overflow checks
    /unsafe[+|-]                   Allow 'unsafe' code
    /define:<symbol list>          Define conditional compilation symbol(s) (Short form: /d)
    /langversion:<string>          Specify language version mode: ISO-1, ISO-2, or Default
                            - MISCELLANEOUS -
    @<file>                        Read response file for more options
    /help                          Display this usage message (Short form: /?)
    /nologo                        Suppress compiler copyright message
    /noconfig                      Do not auto include CSC.RSP file
                            - ADVANCED -
    /baseaddress:<address>         Base address for the library to be built
    /bugreport:<file>              Create a 'Bug Report' file
    /codepage:<n>                  Specify the codepage to use when opening source files
    /utf8output                    Output compiler messages in UTF-8 encoding
    /main:<type>                   Specify the type that contains the entry point (ignore all other possible entry points) (Short form: /m)
    /fullpaths                     Compiler generates fully qualified paths
    /filealign:<n>                 Specify the alignment used for output file sections
    /pdb:<file>                    Specify debug information file name (default: output file name with .pdb extension)
    /nostdlib[+|-]                 Do not reference standard library (mscorlib.dll)
    /lib:<file list>               Specify additional directories to search in for references
    /errorreport:<string>          Specify how to handle internal compiler errors: prompt, send, queue, or none. The default is queue.
    /moduleassemblyname:<string>   Name of the assembly which this module will be a part of


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