
  • Anaconda 작업 환경(새 conda 환경) 만들기 Ex1
    Search: SwDevTool SwDevTool 2023. 3. 26. 18:03


    Anaconda Distribution 설치

    Anaconda 명령어(command)

    Anaconda create 명령어(command, 새 conda 환경 생성)



    Test1 이라는 conda환경 만들기 Ex




    (base) C:\>conda create -n Test1
    Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
    Solving environment: done
    ## Package Plan ##
      environment location: C:\Anaconda3\envs\Test1
    Proceed ([y]/n)? y
    Preparing transaction: done
    Verifying transaction: done
    Executing transaction: done
    # To activate this environment, use
    #     $ conda activate Test1
    # To deactivate an active environment, use
    #     $ conda deactivate


    생성된 Test1으로 전환 하기(활성화)

    (base) C:\>conda activate Test1
    (Test1) C:\>


    기본 설치된 jupyter notebook 실행

    (Test1) C:\>jupyter notebook
    [I 18:21:38.080 NotebookApp] Writing notebook server cookie secret to C:\Users\User1\AppData\Roaming\jupyter\runtime\notebook_cookie_secret
    [W 18:21:47.490 NotebookApp] Loading JupyterLab as a classic notebook (v6) extension.
    [I 2023-03-26 18:21:47.508 LabApp] JupyterLab extension loaded from C:\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\jupyterlab
    [I 2023-03-26 18:21:47.508 LabApp] JupyterLab application directory is C:\Anaconda3\share\jupyter\lab
    [I 18:21:53.536 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: C:\
    [I 18:21:53.537 NotebookApp] Jupyter Notebook 6.5.2 is running at:
    [I 18:21:53.537 NotebookApp] http://localhost:8888/?token=d79f7f5fde0fb84a036f08ce8027b7249f8230f7b28fc9d9
    [I 18:21:53.537 NotebookApp]  or
    [I 18:21:53.537 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation).
    [C 18:21:53.678 NotebookApp]
        To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
        Or copy and paste one of these URLs:


    jupyter notebook 접속





    기본 설치와 다른 환경 시도 Ex

    (base) C:\>conda create -n testp37 python=3.7
    Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
    Solving environment: done
    ## Package Plan ##
      environment location: C:\Anaconda3\envs\testp37
      added / updated specs:
        - python=3.7
    The following packages will be downloaded:
        package                    |            build
        ca-certificates-2023.01.10 |       haa95532_0         121 KB
        certifi-2022.12.7          |   py37haa95532_0         149 KB
        openssl-1.1.1t             |       h2bbff1b_0         5.5 MB
        pip-22.3.1                 |   py37haa95532_0         2.7 MB
        python-3.7.16              |       h6244533_0        17.2 MB
        setuptools-65.6.3          |   py37haa95532_0         1.1 MB
        sqlite-3.41.1              |       h2bbff1b_0         897 KB
        vc-14.2                    |       h21ff451_1           8 KB
        vs2015_runtime-14.27.29016 |       h5e58377_2        1007 KB
        wheel-0.38.4               |   py37haa95532_0          82 KB
        wincertstore-0.2           |   py37haa95532_2          15 KB
                                               Total:        28.8 MB
    The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
      ca-certificates    pkgs/main/win-64::ca-certificates-2023.01.10-haa95532_0
      certifi            pkgs/main/win-64::certifi-2022.12.7-py37haa95532_0
      openssl            pkgs/main/win-64::openssl-1.1.1t-h2bbff1b_0
      pip                pkgs/main/win-64::pip-22.3.1-py37haa95532_0
      python             pkgs/main/win-64::python-3.7.16-h6244533_0
      setuptools         pkgs/main/win-64::setuptools-65.6.3-py37haa95532_0
      sqlite             pkgs/main/win-64::sqlite-3.41.1-h2bbff1b_0
      vc                 pkgs/main/win-64::vc-14.2-h21ff451_1
      vs2015_runtime     pkgs/main/win-64::vs2015_runtime-14.27.29016-h5e58377_2
      wheel              pkgs/main/win-64::wheel-0.38.4-py37haa95532_0
      wincertstore       pkgs/main/win-64::wincertstore-0.2-py37haa95532_2
    Proceed ([y]/n)?

